Search Courses

Showing 451-500 of 5,126 items.

Steven Hochberg – A Grand Supercycle Top Webinar

Steven Hochberg - A Grand Supercycle Top WebinarSteven HochbergFounderPresidentCaliber AssociatesSourcebook Company Profilehttps://www.caliberassociates.com6336 Greenwich Dr. Ste., CSan DiegoCA92122MapCaliber Associates' small office near University City is adorned with several paintings of Grateful Dead frontman Jerry Garcia, a reflection...

James Hedges – Hedges On Hedge Funds. How To Successfully Analyze And Select An Investment

James Hedges - Hedges on Hedge Funds How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment A just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing. Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through "funds of...

Flavio Copes – React Handbook

Flavio Copes – React Handbook I wrote this book to teach you all I know about React! It's 220 pages long. I last updated it in early 2019

Alexander Elder – The Trading Room Video Course

Alexander Elder - The Trading Room Video Course (Come Into My Trading Room) This video was filmed in St Maarten, during our week-long Caribbean Traders' Camp. The almost 10-hour long video covers all aspects of trading...

Anton Kreil – European Failure And How To Profit From It

Anton Kreil - European Failure and how to profit from it Part of ITPM London Super Conference 2019

FXAtOneGlance – Understanding How To Trade Fractals

FXAtOneGlance – Understanding How To Trade Fractals FRACTALS If you do not know about fractals, then you do not know about the markets. Fractals help us to define the structure of the market. Understanding the structure...

Andrew Aziz – How to Day Trade For a Living

Andrew Aziz – How to Day Trade For a Living In the book, I describe the fundamentals of day trading, explain how day trading is different from other styles of trading and investment, and elaborate on...

Andrew Keene – Unusual Options Activity Master Course

Andrew Keene – Unusual Options Activity Master CourseLive Mentoring Sessions, Workshop, and RecordingsLearn how to use unusual options activity to trade like top hedge fund managers and other institutional traders. On the trading floor, the term...

Andrey Lubchenko – Elite SwingTrader System

Andrey Lubchenko - Elite SwingTrader SystemHello and thank you for purchasing the Elite Swing Trader. You have made a very wise business decision to join a selected club of elite traders making money in swing trading....

Robert Deel – Strategic Analysis And Trading Tactics

Robert Deel – Strategic Analysis and Trading TacticsWallack L, Dorfman L. The bookspapersreviews ww w under Acknowledgements were invaluable in the writing of this manuscript and we would recommend the reading of these for tradiing understanding...

Richard Schabacker – Technical Analysis And Stock Market Profits. The Real Bible Of Technical Analysis

Richard Schabacker – Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits. The Real Bible of Technical AnalysisRichard W. Schabacker’s great work, Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits, is a worthy addition to any technical analyst’s personal library or...


Alexander Goulden – Secrets Of The Chronocrators After studying this course, astrologers will have a methodology by which to rectify a market’s natal time, so as to calibrate it against a powerful astro-harmonic node. This will...

Robert B.Handfield & Ernest L.Nichols – Supply Chain Redesign Transforming Supply Chains Into Integrated Value Systems

Supply Chain Redesign delivers practical guidance for every aspect of supply chain redesign: mapping existing supply chains; identifying changes that promise the best ROI; intelligently leveraging new technologies; strengthening relationships with key partners; designing products that support...

Debra Anne Ross & Master Math – Pre-Calculus And Geometry

Debra Anne Ross - Master Math - Pre-Calculus and GeometryGet ready to master the principles and formulas of pre-calculus! Master Math: Pre-Calculus is a comprehensive reference guide that explains and clarifies pre-calculus and introductory calculus principles...

Nils Rasmussen – Process Improvement For Effective Budgeting And Financial Reporting

Nils Rasmussen - Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting"The budget and financial reporting processes are well known sources of frustration for most CFOs. Seeking a quick fix to the problem, the common solution is...

James A.Freeman & David M.Skapura & Neural Networks – Algorithms, Applications And Programming Techniques

James A.Freeman, David M.Skapura - Neural Networks - Algorithms, Applications and Programming TechniquesFreeman and Skapura provide a practical introduction to artificial neural systems (ANS). The authors survey the most common neural-network architectures and show how neural...

Paul Cornell – Accessing And Analyzing Data With Microsoft Excel

Paul Cornell - Accessing and Analyzing Data with Microsoft ExcelMaster the tools that transform the information in spreadsheets, databases, and servers into faster, better business decisions. Packed with expert insights and practical Your Turn exercises, this...

Simpler Trading & John Carter – Layup Trading Strategies And Setups

Simpler Trading & John Carter – Simpler Trading – Layup Trading Strategies And Setups Easy-to-use directional strategies that don’t last longer than a few days. How to take advantage of repeatable patterns based on crowd psychology....

CRC Press – Engineering Analysis Interactive Methods And Programs With Fortran QuickBasic Matlab And Mathematica

CRC Press - Engineering Analysis Interactive Methods and Programs with Fortran QuickBasic Matlab and MathematicaThis book provides a concise introduction to numerical concepts in engineering analysis, using FORTRAN, QuickBASIC, MATLAB, and Mathematica to illustrate the examples....

Bryan Maizlish & R.Handler – Portfolio Management Step By Step

Bryan Maizlish, R.Handler - Portfolio Management Step by StepPraise for IT Portfolio Management Step-by-Step"Bryan Maizlish and Robert Handler bring their deep experience in IT 'value realization' to one of the most absent of all IT management...

Sebastian Thrun – Probabilistic Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series) 1st Edition

Sebastian Thrun – Probabilistic Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series) 1st Edition An introduction to the techniques and algorithms of the newest field in robotics. Probabilistic robotics is a new and growing area in robotics,...

George Luger – Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (6th Edition)

George Luger – Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (6th Edition) There is no definition of artificial intelligence (AI), but several. Ia is to make computers think like humans or that are as...

Andrew Kimber – Credit Risk From Transaction To Portfolio Management

Andrew Kimber - Credit Risk from Transaction to Portfolio Management'Credit Risk: from transaction to portfolio management' provides high level, focused analysis of the nature of credit risk in investment bank portfolio management. Written by experienced international...

Forexcommander & Amin Sadak – Mechanical Discretion Course

Amin Sadak - Mechanical Discretion Course (Forexcommander)

William Feller – An Introduction to Probability Theory and It's Applications, Volume 1

William Feller – An Introduction to Probability Theory and It's Applications, Volume 1 An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications uniquely blends a comprehensive overview of probability theory with the real-world application of that theory. Beginning...

Shane Blankenship – Andrews Pitchfork Basic

Shane Blankenship - Andrews Pitchfork BasicAndrews Pitchfork Basic videos, a huge collection of videos that are collected to instruct you how to use the amazing tools included in the Advanced Technical Tools. Through the employment of...

Trevor Hastle – The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition

Trevor Hastle – The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics) 2nd Edition During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With...

William E.Nix & Susan Wilkinson Nix – The Dow Jones-Irwin Guide To International Securities, Futures And Option Markets

William E.Nix, Susan Wilkinson Nix - The Dow Jones-Irwin Guide to International Securities, Futures and Option MarketsAuthor (s): NIX, SUSAN; NIX, WILLIAMDate Posted: 01.enero.1988Spanish LanguageSummary: The aim is to give ideas on how: First, policymakers and...

Stephen Marsland – Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective

Stephen Marsland – Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective (Chapman & Hall/Crc Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition) 1st Edition

Luc Devroye – A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability)

Luc Devroye – A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability) A self-contained and coherent account of probabilistic techniques, covering: distance measures, kernel rules, nearest neighbour rules, Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory, parametric classification, and feature...

Mehmed Kantardzic – Data Mining-Concepts Models Methods And Algorithms

Mehmed Kantardzic - Data Mining-Concepts Models Methods and AlgorithmsWe are surrounded by data, numerical and otherwise, which must be analysed and processed to convert it into information that informs, instructs, answers or otherwise aids understanding and...

Jiawie Han – Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) 3rd Edition

Jiawie Han – Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) 3rd Edition Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques provides the concepts and techniques in processing gathered data or information, which will be...

William Feller – An Introduction to Probability Theory and It's Applications, Volume 2

William Feller – An Introduction to Probability Theory and It's Applications, Volume 2

Schaum's Outline of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes (1997)

Hwei P Hsu – Schaum's outline of probability, random variables and random processes (1997)

José Unpingco – Python For Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning

Unpingco J. - Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning This book, fully updated for Python version 3.6+, covers the key ideas that link probability, statistics, and machine learning illustrated using Python modules in these areas. ...

Wayne L.Winston – Microsoft Excel Data Analysis And Business Modeling

Wayne L.Winston - Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business ModelingNow you can apply the techniques that business analysts at leading companies use to analyze and transform data into bottom line results. For more than 10 years,...

Gregoire Dupont – Day Trading In Equities And FOREX - Viability Assessment

Gregoire Dupont - Day Trading in Equities and FOREX - Viability Assessment Part of ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos Video length: 32 Minutes Gregoire has enjoyed a successful 15-year career as a Professional...

Christopher Quill – How To Calculate Realized & Implied Volatility And Why It's Important

NY 2 - Christopher Quill - How To Calculate Realized & Implied Volatility and Why it's Important Part of ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos Video length: 40 Minutes After being part of the...

TradeSmart University – Foundations Of Stocks And Options (3 Levels)

TradeSmart University - Foundations of Stocks and Options (3 levels) Level 1: New FOSO Teachings (Oct 2014) Class 1 - Introduction - 1h 10m Class 2 - Support & Resistance - 1h 36m Class 3 -...

ITPM – London Super Conference 2016 (Institute Of Trading And Portfolio Management Collection)

ITPM - London Super Conference 2016 (Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management Collection 1-6) 1. Anton Kreil: “What Sets Apart the Best and the Worst Retail Traders?” In this Video, Anton Kreil, Managing Partner of the...

Lance Chambers – The Practical Handbook Of Genetic Algorithms

Lance Chambers - The Practical Handbook of Genetic AlgorithmsPractical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, Volume 3: Complex Coding Systems contains computer-code examples for the development of genetic algorithm systems - compiling them from an array of practitioners...

Christian Schmidt – Game Theory And Economic Analysis

Christian Schmidt - Game Theory and Economic AnalysisChristian Schmidt - Game Theory and Economic Analys This book presents the huge variety of current contributions of game theory to economics. The impressive contributions fall broadly into two...

Alexandre Volguine – The Ruler Of The Nativity

Alexandre Volguine - The Ruler of the Nativity The following is by Gavin Kent McClung, from his article, "A SALUTE TO OUR HERITAGE: What Makes A True Astrologer?" Dell Horoscope, June, 2000, pp. 66-77. (Portions reprinted...

David Dreman – The New Contrarian Investing Strategies. The Next Generation. Psychology And The Stock

David Dreman's name is synonymous with the term "contrarian investing," and his contrarian strategies have been proven winners year after year. His techniques have spawned countless imitators, most of whom pay lip service to the buzzword...

Andrew W.Lo – Long-Term Memory In The Stock Market Prices (Article)

Andrew W.Lo - Long-Term Memory in the Stock Market Prices (Article)A test for long-run memory that is robust to short-range dependence is developed. It is a simple extension of Mandelbrot's "range over standard deviation" or R/S...

Roy M.Howard – Principles Of Random Signal Analysis & Low Noise Design

Roy M.Howard - Principles of Random Signal Analysis & Low Noise DesignDescriptionDescribes the leading techniques for analyzing noise.Discusses methods that are applicable to periodic signals, aperiodic signals, or random processes over finite or infinite intervals.Provides readers...

Carolyn Boroden – Fibonacci Trading: How to Master the Time and Price Advantage

Carolyn Boroden – Fibonacci Trading: How to Master the Time and Price Advantage Accurately predict market trends with the power of Fibonacci Fibonacci Trading offers new insight into pinpointing the highs and lows in market trading...

Steve Nison – The Candlestick Course

Steve Nison – The Candlestick Course Steve Nison revolutionized the world of technical analysis when his two bestselling books introduced Japanese candlestick charting techniques to the western world. "Candles," he discovered, can signal shifts in trends...

Jay E.Fishman – Standards Of Value. Theory & Applications

Jay E.Fishman - Standards of Value. Theory & ApplicationsDescriptionA must-read for appraisers, accountants, judges, attorneys, and appraisal users, this insightful book addresses standards of value as applied in four distinct contexts: estate and gift taxation; shareholder...

John Leslie Livingstone & Theodore Grossman – The Portable MBA In Finance And Accounting

John Leslie Livingstone, Theodore Grossman - The Portable MBA in Finance and AccountingThe most comprehensive and authoritative review of B-School fundamentals—from top accounting and finance professorsFor years, the Portable MBA series has tracked the core curricula...